A Kaiju love story for the end of the world

the original ep telling the story of the world wolf was self released in 2020. as it came together and i got to know the two characters i came to love them.

reds story stuck with me in a deep fundamental way. while writing the ep and the book it felt less like creating and more like listening to the pair tell their story and writing it down.

the story itself is so self contained that continuing it from their point of view wouldn’t make sense. however as my next full length came together i felt reds shadow fall across the record. though not in his physical form.

several of the songs on “apex predator” are about or sung from the point of view of “the king of wolves.” the first acolyte of the world wolf whose story is introduced in chapter seven (available as free dlc included with the book).

Stoneburner - Red in Tooth and Claw

stoneburner – Red in tooth and claw
the remixed and remastered ep is available from cop international.
limited edition physical versions will be available soon.

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Stoneburner - Apex Predator cover artwork

stoneburner – apex predator is available on cd and digitally from COP International. The songs that relate to the story are listed in the afterword of the book.

Electronic Saviors - cover artwork

stoneburner – lupus invocat lupus this is the song that kicked off the whole “wolf“ thing. it isn’t directly
related to the story, but it’s a cool tune.

the rest of stoneburner’s catalog can be found here.

music by my dark electronic rock band 
ego likeness can be found here.

all my other music can be found on my personal label wolfcore records.

i have recorded and released a few 
audiobooks with grammy winner Stefan rudniki which are available on audible.

i also wrote this for nasa which i include 
because it‘s cool.